Welcome back to the blog, it has been a while - thanks to 'upgrading' to windows 10 causing issues with my pictures. Hopefully we are back in action
So an update on some of the things we have been up to
September - Trinity Church spring craft fair
We displayed some of the groups work. Lots of people stopped to look at the array of items and were interested in how they were made, hopefully we introduced some people to the group. Thank you to Jayne and Emily for helping me out on a wet and cold Saturday morning.
Here Jayne is spinning away and Emily is weaving on the Sample It
Show and tell from the September meeting
Jayne's hand spun wool and nylon sock wool
A selection of Jayne's own alpaca
Ann has had her spinning curtailed with an elbow injury sustained whilst playing ice hockey!
But managed to start knitting a pair of socks
Ashburton put on a great open day with the theme of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party - groups were invited to create a display to represent the theme and here is our table
Alice showing off her 2nd place rosette for the competition
A view of the whole tea party
A close up of the White Rabbit and some of the cakes being eyed up by a dormouse
The Cheshire Cat, grinning away and Absalom the caterpillar sitting among the mushrooms
The Dormouse dressed for the party
More tea cakes and the White Rabbits fob watch
Last but definitely not least, the completed ANZAC wreath which was presented at the service on ANZAC day and later displayed and dedicated in a ceremony at the rec centre
Made entirely from hand crafted poppies made by members of the group